Module 3: Perseverance
“So plant your seed, give it attention and give it time. The final result will be well worth the wait.”
~ S. Greenberg (From an article on The Carrot Seed)
October 31, 2022
And just like that… we’re done with the first quarter. Everyone did an awesome job. That’s how the KiDS’ WoRLD family sail away! We shall start the second quarter with a reminder from a little boy in the book The Carrot Seed that patience and perseverance is the way to go when we encounter difficulties. This value is truly needed in a world where we are getting used to “instant” stuff. It is important for children to have the ability to wait and to not give up easily.
On that note, let us continue our journey with the same excitement to explore, learn new things, and reach our dreams. With hard work and with God’s infinite grace, we can do it!
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