Nourishing Minds. Nurturing Potentials


Established in 2002. Recognized by the Department of Education.

School ID 447570

Our Vision

Our vision is for each child to discover their interests, grow confident in their abilities, and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Our Mission

We are committed to providing a safe, loving, and nurturing environment where children are given opportunities to participate in a wide range of activities where they can discover themselves and the world around them.

By promoting an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement, they will be able to unlock their potentials, enjoy learning and be equipped with foundation skills that are essential in the next phase of their learning journey.

Our Philosophy

At Kids’ World Child Development Center, we believe that the first five years of a child’s life are precious and significant when it comes to development and learning. They are growing and absorbing new knowledge and skills at a phenomenal rate.

We recognize that each child has a unique set of interests, abilities, and potential for growth that deserves our full attention.

We aim to provide them with a safe, loving, and nurturing atmosphere where they can feel secure and comfortable to engage in new routines and activities and build relationships with friends and teachers.

We strive to create fun, stimulating, and educational hands-on experiences where children can discover their interests and gain knowledge that promotes advancement in all areas of development.

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